The purpose of the WGA is to be an advocate for the student voice and facilitate student endeavors, all under the auspices of improving The Wharton School.  

It is the purpose of the WGA to:

  • Contribute to the improvement and development of The Wharton School

  • Assist Wharton MBA students in reaching their academic and professional goals

  • Generate student input into policies and procedures which affect the student community

  • Represent the interests of and advocate for the Wharton MBA

  • Build and support a cohesive MBA community

  • Build connections and promote communication among current students, alumni, faculty, the administration, the University of Pennsylvania community, and leaders within business and government


Your admission to Wharton is a unique opportunity to take part in a life-changing educational and personal experience — one defined by active student engagement in all aspects. Whether it's through building a network, playing a sport, exploring a career interest, or otherwise gaining practical leadership experience, you can become a part of Wharton's rich legacy of involvement and leadership by joining the WGA.


The WGA is the caretaker of Wharton's MBA traditions and school-wide events, including Walnut Walk, Follies, Cluster Olympics , Dance Studio, Red & Blue and countless others. WGA subsidizes many events, making it possible for the largest number of students to participate. Members of the WGA are eligible to take part in or attend any of these events (often requiring a ticket purchase).


More than 100 student clubs shape the Wharton MBA experience across a multitude of areas. They focus on interests ranging from social (Wine Club) to cultural (WHALASA) to athletic (Wildmen Hockey) to professional (Media & Entertainment Club). The WGA enables countless opportunities for you to develop relationships and explore your interests.

Each year, club dues held through WGA also sponsor 15+ entirely student-run business conferences, from the world-famous Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Conference to Wharton Women in Business Conference. In conjunction with sponsorships and ticket sales, WGA funds the common infrastructure for all Wharton MBA clubs and conferences.  Your membership in the WGA entitles you to join any WGA club and attend any conference (most of which require additional membership or attendance fees).


In alignment with the University of Pennsylvania’s Nondiscrimination Statement, student-run organizations are expected to uphold a commitment to non-discrimination. This means that these organizations will not engage in discriminatory practices based on factors such as race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, age, disability, veteran status, or any other legally protected class status. It is essential for student organizations to recognize the University’s dedication to providing academic, social, and recreational programs and services that are equally accessible to all, and as such, all student-run organizations are required to conduct themselves and their activities in accordance with this commitment.

Membership or Collaboration does not Imply Endorsement:

Wharton is proud of the rich and varied viewpoints, experiences, and talents represented by its student body, who can rarely be reduced to “just” one thing.  Just as membership by a student in a group should not imply that such student subscribes to all views held by all members in that group, collaboration between two groups does not imply endorsement by one group of the views held by members of the other.  Any collaboration between student groups, particularly those with different or even competing philosophies, should be marked by mutual respect with the goal of constructive engagement and fostering a greater understanding of differing viewpoints, avoiding any form of disparagement or unwanted persuasion.